Eric Sammons Catholics Are Tired of Francis

Eric Sammons Catholics Are Tired of Francis

Eric Sammons writes in (5 February) that the whole circus surrounding Francis has become tiresome.

 - Controversies have surrounded Francis' pontificate "from beginning to end". - A week doesn't go by without Francis stirring the pot with some appointment, document or off-the-cuff comment. - Nothing Francis could do or say at this point would surprise us, although he is still desperately trying to do so. - Francis is focused almost exclusively on earthly matters, surrounded by deeply corrupt yes-men and in league with the globalist oligarchs of this world. - The Catholics ignore Francis and wait for the next conclave and the election of the next successor to St Peter. - Francis' legacy will be one of sound and fury, meaning nothing, none of Francis' writings will stand the test of time. - Sammons doesn't want to minimise the grave damage Francis has done to individual souls through the confusion, scandal and corruption he has sown. - Because of Francis, homosexuals haven't turned away from their sins. Converts have refrained from becoming Catholics, and many Catholics have been scandalised by this pontificate. - There have also been good effects, as many Catholics have become more knowledgeable in their faith in response to the defence of a doctrine that Francis is undermining. - Many Catholics have begun the process of removing the man-made additions to the deposit of faith regarding the role of the papacy. - Who takes Francis as a serious thinker? Who looks to him as a true moral leader? - Francis' insistence on "making a mess" instead of just doing his job makes him look like the immature teenager who stubbornly refuses to clean up his room. - We're not angry anymore. We're just tired. Tired of the ambiguity which is turned into a weapon, tired of the scandals, tired of pandering to the worst people in the world. Source
