1. Virgil's Aeneid
2. Geoffrey Of Monmouth Histories Of The Kings Of Britain
3. Dante's Inferno
4. Holinshed's Chronicles (probably only the first volume)
5. Shakespeare Historical Plays
6. Coster's Meditations Of The Whole Historie Of The Passion Of Christ
7. I Will Not List This Work Until I Return From England With The Third Part Of The Work In Hand.
Supplemental Readings:
1. Ockahm's A Short Discourse on Tyrannical Government
2. Dante's Monarchy.
3. Marsilius Of Padua Defensor Pacis
To better understand how to effectively use all those African Immigrants that have been let loose on Shores of England and Italy by the Deep State and/or Pope Francis or better yet allowed by Divine Providence. The reverse of what took place in the legitimate colonization of England and Italy by the Trojans.
Arms, and the man I sing, who, forc'd by fate,
And haughty Juno's unrelenting hate,
Expell'd and exil'd, left the Trojan shore.
Long labors, both by sea and land, he bore.....
And like those who with breathless energy
came out of the ocean to the shore
turns to the perilous water and gazes,
so my soul, which still fled,
he turned back to admire the pace
which never left a person alive.
This reading list is for those contemplative souls who stop at meditation because they know that contemplation is a gift from God and if God grants a soul the gift of contemplation then he will contemplate. And this is for men who suffer hardships as did Dante and the men from Troy.
This reading list is not for self indulgent Rad Trad men who think that bouncing their baby on their knee during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is Catholic Action or hosting or attending another Catholic Conference or doing another podcast is Catholic Action and will somehow restore all things in Christ. It won't - you are all pussies.
Smoking cigars, grilling stakes, drinking whisky, playing with your beard, lifting weights is not fitting for any man who reads the above list of works.
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