FSSP Tabloid News: FSSP Ryan Grant To Date FSSP Ann Barnhardt!

Both are Jews
Both are converts to the FSSP 
Both have a large stock pile of weapons
Both carry several guns on their person when attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Both have no real job
Both grift
Both beg money from fellow Catholics who work for a living
Both treat the Catholic Faith as if it were an intellectual exercise
Both believe that they are the Remnant Church and 1 billion Catholics are outside the Church
Both are in the Camp of the Forerunner to the Antichrist
Both deny that God can keep His promise He made to Abraham Issac Jacob (if you need to look that one up then you too are in the camp of the Forerunner to the Antichrist)
Both make their own bullets.
Both reek of Tobacco, Gin, Gun Oil & Gun Powder.
Both smoke Cigars, Pipes, and Snort Snuff
Neither has ever visited a Gym
Both visit the Gun Range daily
Both have big bellies
And finally both have Beards!

Congratulations to them both!
