What is Going Through The Mind Of Ann Barnhardt During The Great Intersessions For The Supreme Pontiff On Good Friday.....Jorge Bergoglio isn’t the Pope, and never was....

To those confused Rad Trads: The Church is HOLY because of the Sacraments. NOT because of the corrupt Clergy. 

Did you attend the Good Friday Services with Ann Banrhardt?

Did you watch her closely during the Great Intersession for the Supreme Pontiff?

Was she foaming at the mouth mumbling to herself...

Jorge Bergoglio isn’t the Pope, and never was....
Jorge Bergoglio isn’t the Pope, and never was....
Jorge Bergoglio isn’t the Pope, and never was....

Screeching Ann's latest post:

"Jorge Bergoglio isn’t the Pope, and never was. This simply CANNOT be any clearer. Antipope Jorge Bergoglio is a criminal usurper, a manifest apostate who is tasked, as all Freemasons are, with the total destruction and annihilation of the One True Church from the face of the earth, accomplished by the overthrow and destruction of the Papacy, and the erection of an Antichurch which is Freemasonic and in total servitude to Lucifer. The guy is LITERALLY publishing his devotion to the BETRAYER OF CHRIST with homoerotic images of Jesus, nude, kneeling at Judas’ corpse, claiming that Christ OWES HIS GLORY… to Judas Iscariot. This is straight out of Satanism. This is TOTAL INVERSION. Again, THIS IS SATANISM. Pope Benedict’s resignation in February ARSH 2013 was canonically invalid. Pope Benedict never resigned the Petrine Office, and thus has never stopped being the Pope. The thing that looked like a conclave in March ARSH 2013 was totally null and void. Bergoglio is an Antipope, which most orthodox Catholics now realize. What even more are realizing is that Antipope Bergoglio isn’t just one among the dozens of antipopes in the 2000 year history of the Church – he is very likely the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, and these are probably the End Times" Ann Barnhardt  

Ann claims that she attends the Latin Mass where Pope Francis is mentioned by name in the Te Itgur and if Pope Francis is mentioned in the Te Itgur where she attends Latin Mass then Pope Francis is mentioned in the Great Intersessions during Good Friday.

Please read the insane rant from Ann in the above and tell me that Ann was not greatly disturbed during the Great Intersession for the Supreme Pontiff Francis.

Ann was disturbed and the proof is what she wrote in the above just a few days after Good Friday.

What is actually said by the Priest during the Great Intersessions for the Supreme Pontiff

Let us pray also for our most Holy Father Pope Francis.: that our Lord and God, Who chose him  to be Bishop, may keep him in health and safety for His holy Church, to govern the holy people of God.
Let us pray.
Let us kneel down.

Almighty everlasting God, by Whose judgment all things are established, mercifully regard our prayers, and in Thy goodness preserve the Bishop chosen for us, that, the Christian people, who are ruled by Thine authority, may under so great a Pontiff, increase in number through the merits of their faith.  Through 
R. Amen.

What Ann Barnhardt and her followers (the Barnhrdtites) actually hear in their minds....

Let us pray also for our most False Prophet Forerunner Of The Antichrist Bergoglio.: that our Lord and God, Who chose him  to be False Prophet Forerunner Of The Antichrist, may keep him in health and safety for His holy Church, to govern the holy people of God.
Let us pray.
Let us kneel down.

Almighty everlasting God, by Whose judgment all things are established, mercifully regard our prayers, and in Thy goodness preserve The False Prophet Forerunner Of The Antichrist chosen for us, that, the Christian people, who are ruled by Thine authority, may under so great a False Prophet Forerunner Of The Antichrist, increase in number through the merits of their faith.  Through 
R. Amen.

Ann Barnhardt's posts calling Pope Francis the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist - Antipope Bergoglio.

And so on.......
