Polish Nationalist Restoration? LOL!

Polish Nationalist fools at One Peter Five:

It is no coincidence that Poland is simultaneously the most nationalist and the most unabashedly Catholic country in Europe. Source

Deacon Augustine • a year ago
The heretics in Germany have sold out to neo-Marxism whereas the Catholics in Poland and Hungary are endeavouring to be faithful to God. Source

kiwiinamerica • 2 years ago 
Poland leads the way. Period. Not only with respect to keeping the Sabbath but also with respect to fighting the Islamic invasion of Europe, respect for life, preservation of its Catholic heritage and the proper relationship between Church and state. Perhaps it will send us another Jan Sobieski. Europe sorely needs it.

Yohanes Evan • 2 years ago 
This is why I love them.  

Concerned parent • 2 years ago 
It is not surprising what a small country like Poland can accomplish when they follow the Lord's ways. We in the West, have been immersed in materialism, debauchery and godlessness, and the price we will pay will be huge.


and so on....
