Will VIGANO Take The Cipolla Challenge And Come Out Of Hiding And Save Us!

What is the  Cipolla Challenge?

A Letter to Archbishop Viganò: TEMPUS ADEST -- The Time has Come 

I write this letter to you to ask you to end your self imposed exile and to come out of the desert of silence and speak directly to those who willfully ignore the reality of corruption in the Church and to expose their profane use of silence that cynically mimics Christ’s silence before Pontius Pilate.......

This is why you, Archbishop Viganò, must come out of your desert and confront those you accuse of covering up the poison that keeps the Church from fulfilling her sacred mission to the world of evangelizing all nations and people and letting them know about the love of God in Jesus Christ for all men and women and that he is the only hope for salvation and eternal life in God. Source

Fr. Cipolla compares Vigano to St John?


I bet Vigano will never come out of hiding.

Vigano will claim that its best that he stay in the shadows directing the overthrow of Pope Francis from behind the scenes, away from the spotlight etc....
