Will Pope Francis Die In August? Archbishop Charles J. Chaput Elected As Pope Just In Time For Meeting of Families Congress & Papal Visit In September 2015?

A few years back in (2010) there was a heated Email exchange between Michael Voris & Bishop Charles J. Chaput over the Campaign for Human Development or CCHD.

Emails went back and forth for a day.

Voris said:
"This Bishop went through the roof!" 
Voris was then blacked balled by two Catholic TV outlets the very next day. The Catholic TV outlets dropped Church Militant TV at the behest of Charles J. Chaput.

Needless to say, Voris hates Charles J. Chaput.

Voris made a Vortex episode on the heated Email exchange & the cancellation of Church Militant TV by two Catholic TV outlets. Episode titled The Empire Strikes Back August, 2013.

In the Vortex episode Voris does not metion Charles J. Chaput by name, but as Tantumblogo of Blog for Dallas Area Catholics notes:
In case you couldn’t guess it, it’s obvious the bishop in question towards the beginning of the video is Archbishop Chaput. Read More>>>>
Here is the The Empire Strikes Vortex:

If Pope Francis dies in August and knowing that upcoming Meeting of Families and a Papal visit is to take place - would that influence the men to elect a man from the US?

Think for a moment - the publicity of such a stunt - electing the first every American as Pope and just in time for the Meeting of Families Congress & Papal Visit held in Philadelphia! WOW!

Tears are streaming down my cheeks just thinking about such a glorious event!!

Long live the Spirit of Vatican II & long live the Mass in engrish...

I would not put it pass the wicked church men to pull such a stunt if Pope Francis dies within days.

The funeral and election of the next Pope can be over by mid-Sept and the new American Pope can make a grand entrance on the shores of his birth!

The world would love such a spectacle! Every American would then become a Catholic!

Of course the downside of electing Charles J. Chaput or for that matter Cardinal Dolan would make Gary (Michael) Voris fuming mad!

But the show that Voris would put on would be worth the admission price!

Just think how Voirs would handle such an event.....
