Pope Francis Vandalizes Fr. Aristi's Rosary & Lies About It! “He Was My Confessor And He Absolved Many People From Their Sins Whilst Holding This Rosary. It Can’t Be Buried…”

On occasions, the dead and the righteous will be brought back to life. (That is to say that these dead will take on the form of righteous souls which had lived on earth, in order to lead men further astray; these so-called resurrected dead, who will be nothing but the devil in this form, will preach another Gospel contrary to that of the true Christ Jesus, denying the existence of Heaven; that is also to say, the souls of the damned. All these souls will appear as if fixed to their bodies). Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
Bizarre lies.

Please rip the crucifix off your rosary. How hard is it? Now look at what remains and ask yourself is this still a rosary? What kind of rosary is it, without a crucifix? It isn't a rosary at all.

Here is the latest spin on what Bergoglio did to a rosary of a dead man:

First the witness:
“I am the only one who witnessed... I was here when Bergoglio took the rosary from Fr. Aristi’s coffin…” Fr. Andrés Taborda
Second  Bergoglio himself:
“It was a big church, a very big church, with a beautiful crypt. I went down into the crypt and there was the coffin … there were just two old ladies there praying, but not one flower. I thought to myself: this man has forgiven the sins of the entire Buenos Aires clergy, mine included, and not one flower… So I went out, found a florist and bought some roses. Then I started to prepare the coffin with the flowers … “Then I looked at the rosary the priest was holding. And I thought immediately about the thief we all have inside us. And while I was arranging the flowers on the coffin I grabbed hold of the rosary cross and pulled it off applying some force. At that very moment I looked at him and I said to him: “Give me half of your mercy.” “I had this strong feeling that gave me the courage to do what I did and say this prayer! And then I put the cross here, in my pocket. The Pope’s shirts don’t have any pockets but I had a little pocket sewn on and I have always carried that cross me since. Whenever I have bad thought about someone, I always place my hand here. And I feel the grace! I feel it doing me good. The example of a merciful priest, of a priest who is close when there is suffering does so much good…” Pope Francis
Finally the witness again:
"We were there in the crypt next to Fr. Aristi’s coffin and I can still picture Bergoglio in his contemplative state; he was very thin at the time. I remember him saying: "He was my confessor and he absolved many people from their sins whilst holding this rosary. It can’t be buried"…so the future Pope decided to take it, asking the deceased Fr. Aristi for his mercy." Fr. Andrés Taborda
OK no big deal Bergoglio took a "relic" again OK if Bergoglio believes in relics and he believed that the rosary cross was a "relic" then why does not Bergoglio as pope make it a law to replace all the relics that have been ripped out of the Altars?

Bergoglio as pope will do no such thing because Bergoglio does not believe in the necessity of relics of the saints.

What Bergoglio is telling you about this story is a lie!

Ask Bergoglio himself if he has any relics of the saints in his possession? Go ahead and ask the man who has access to all the relics of the saints if he has any of them on his possession? Go ahead and answer that one Bergoglio  - just so that we can see what manner of man you truly are!

No this Bergoglio has stolen property in his possession.

Now I would cut Pope Francis some slack if he showed reverence to the relics of the saints which of course he will not do because he was trained to hate the relics of the saints - unless its a "saint" of the Vatican II era!

Another thing and the most important thing - WHY NOT TAKE THE WHOLE AND ENTIRE ROSARY?

Please! Bergoglio said this about the dead mans rosary: "It can’t be buried"

Again in case you missed it "It can’t be buried"

But it was buried you twit!

If Bergoglio took only the cross and left the rosary beads then indeed the rosary beads were buried with the dead - never to see the light of day.

So please enough of pretended piety and devotion of this monster Bergoglio.

Ripping the crucifix off a rosary tells you all you need to know about Bergoglio and what he thinks about the rosary and for that matter what he thinks about the Mother of God.

Pay Attention!

Demon Pazuzu 
“In the year 1864, Lucifer together with a large number of demons will be unloosed from hell; they will put an end to faith little by little, even in those dedicated to God. They will blind them in such a way, that, unless they are blessed with a special grace, these people will take on the spirit of these angels of hell; several religious institutions will lose all faith and will lose many souls.Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)  
Several will abandon the faith, and a great number of priests and members of religious orders will break away from the true religion; among these people there will even be bishops. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) 
"Francis / Bishop of Rome."
Francis The Destroyer
For In Those Days Jesus Christ Will Send Them Not A True Pastor, But A Destroyer ~ St. Francis
