From the very earliest moments of his pontificate, hardly a week has passed without Pope Francis, at the very least, causing great confusion among many of the faithful. Often, his words and his deeds have been outright scandalous.
The papal improprieties of the past twenty-seven months are so numerous and so well-known that there is little need to list them here.
Besides, doing so will be of no avail for those who welcome the church-of-man, or who choose, as a deliberate act of the will, to bury their heads in the neo-conservative sandbox.
Looking ahead, all indications are that Pope Francis is about to outdo himself with the promulgation of an encyclical on the environment.
In the more distant future, should the Lord choose to allow the Franciscan scourge to continue for another two years, the eyes of the world will witness the Successor to St. Peter celebrating the protestant revolt; the same that ushered in a pseudo-Christianity that dares to promote homosexual mock-marriages, divorce, contraception, abortion, female “priests” (practicing lesbians, included), and any number of other abominations, all in the name of Christ.
What can one say about such a pope? Read More>>>>>
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