Pope Francis The Heretic Declares New Catholic Dogma! On Gaining Entry Into Heaven: Just Say'Lord …!' At Point Of Death & You Go Straight To Heaven!

Reason Enough To Put Pope Francis On Trial For Heresy 
The Burn At The Stake!

Vatican City, 9 March 2015 (VIS) Later, in the church, he met with a group of children and young people, and answered their questions. The first was: if God forgives everything, why does Hell exist? The Pope replied that Hell is the desire to distance oneself from God and to reject God's love. But”, he added, “if you were a terrible sinner, who had committed all the sins in the world, all of them, condemned to death, and even when you are there, you were to blaspheme, insults... and at the moment of death, when you were about to die, you were to look to Heaven and say, 'Lord …!', where do you go, to Heaven or to Hell? To Heaven! Only those who say, I have no need of You, I can get along by myself, as the devil did, are in Hell – and he is the only one we are certain is there”.
