Remember When Gary Voris & Taylor Marshall Claimed That Their Names Were Famous In The Vatican?

Originally Published 24 OCT. 2019:

Sodomite and frequent flying Thomist convert are under the delusion that they are FAMOUS in Vatican circles...

Better to be famous in Heaven than to be famous in the Vatican...but these two posers don't get it.

This is why Voris never did years of penance in solitude before going out on his own to charge Catholics to hear him preach the faith.

And this explains why frequent flying Thomist  was in a hurry to publish his thoughts on the message of Our Lady of La Salette.

Here watch the video:

Listen up you two knuckleheads - you are laymen with NO AUTHORITY whatsoever.

The Pope has more armies than you two twits.....

I bet the reclusive convert gun nut Ann is pissed that she not on the Vatican Map.....
