POPE FRANCIS DOOM! Vatican Doctors Photo Of Benedict's Praise For Francis Violated Photojournalist Industry Standards.

News is Fake but the DOOM is real...

Vatican blurred the two final lines of the first page:

However, I don’t feel like writing a short and dense theological passage on them because throughout my life it has always been clear that I would write and express myself only on books I had read really well. Unfortunately, if only for physical reasons, I am unable to read the eleven volumes in the near future, especially as other commitments await me that I have already made.

I am sure you will understand and cordially greet you. Source

Most independent news media, including The Associated Press, follow strict standards that forbid digital manipulation of photos. "No element should be digitally added to or subtracted from any photograph," read the AP norms, which are considered to be the industry standard among news agencies. Source
