Francis arrived in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta on September 3 to begin his 11-day swing through Asia and Oceania.
Looking fit and energetic after the 13-hour flight, he joked and laughed.
The trip is expected to be the longest and most challenging international trip of his pontificate, his 45th.
On Wednesday, Francis received an enthusiastic welcome at Jakarta's cathedral and spoke to bishops, priests and religious.
He then met with the Scholas Occurrentes movement and planted a tree. In his final "blessing", he pointed out that the students present represent different [conflicting] worldviews:
"I like to give a benediction. Benediction means to wish something well [which is only the etymological, secular explanation what the word originally means]. You come from different religions, but we have one god."
His invented closing prayer was: "God bless each one of you, bless all your desires, bless your families, bless your present, bless your future. Amen."
Francis didn't invoke the Holy Trinity, the sole source of anything good, and he didn't make the sign of the cross, the source of all blessings.
Indonesia is 87% Muslim. Source
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