Foul Mouthed Virgin Ann Barnhardt Turns A Blind Eye And Refuses To Publicly Name Dangerous Sodomites In Traddy Land.....What?
Hey did Heretic Ann out Gary?
Ann kept quiet.
If Ann knew that Gary Voris was a Sodomite - why did she not warn any one?
She didn't know about Gary because Ann is morally Blind
On her recent pod cast Ann is claiming that she knows names of Sodomites in Traddy Land but she refuses to name the Sodomites.
Same game just different names.
Hey Ann just post the names of the Sodomites in Traddy Land...
Be a man...
Do your duty
Ann's response?
Ann: "I can't be bothered to post the names of dangerous Sodomites in Traddy Land because I really don't care..."
Ann: "I'm not mad as I'll be quiet......"
Ann's response?
Ann: "I can't be bothered to post the names of dangerous Sodomites in Traddy Land because I really don't care..."
Ann: "I'm not mad as I'll be quiet......"
Ann also make a bizarre claim that in the year 1910 somewhere in Kansas a Catholic Priest was caught sodomizing a boy and the men of the Parish took the Priest out in back and executed the Priest.
Is this execution of a Kansas Priest in 1910 a historical fact?
Or is this just another one of Ann's bizarre fantasies of killing Catholic Priests?
I still believe that one day foul mouthed Ann will find herself on top a steep Mountain lying in wait to murder the Fatima Pope and Faithful..
I still believe that one day foul mouthed Ann will find herself on top a steep Mountain lying in wait to murder the Fatima Pope and Faithful..
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