Convert Ann Barnhardt Is Having Visions Of Christ On The Cross Telling Her That Francis Is NOT The POPE! What?

Vision of Christ on the Cross

First Message to Ann:

The image that just haunts my mind is that of Christ, on the Cross, looking down, one by one, at the “Elect” and saying, “How could you have possibly, possibly thought that I would do that to you? How could you possibly think so little of Me? How could you have possibly thought that I would send such an obvious monster and criminal to you as my Vicar? I made you a promise. How could you have thought Me capable of breaking it? Did you never really believe Who I Am, and did you never really believe that I love you?” Source

I'm sure there are more visions - Ann to publish soon......

In the same post Ann said:

I simply do not comprehend how one can hold in one’s mind that Bergoglio is the Pope without denying the Divinity of Christ. Source

Meaning: if you accept that Pope Francis is the Pope then it follows that you don't believe that Jesus is God!

