Rad Trad Hero José Galat Claims That The Antichrist Will Be A False Pope & In Order To Survive The Times Of The Antichrist One Must Eat Tibetan Food “Tsampa”
Tsampa (roasted barley flour)
Following up my posts:
Crazy Convert Maike Hickson made Stevie Skojec publish a defense of a nutter:
Turns out the TV personality Galat is a nutter.
- Thinks that the Antichrist will be a false Pope
- Thinks that Pope Francis is a False Pope
- Therefore thinks that Pope Francis is the Antichrist.
Rad Trad Hero Galat also advises that you must eat Tsampa (roasted barley flour) in order to survive this Antichrist/False Pope Francis Pontificate!
Another Hickson/Skojec failure!
Notice that there were 390 comments on the Crazy Convert Hickson Post!
Stevie has all of his demented followers in a panic!
Pope Francis is right about crazy converts!
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