Pope In Milan - Meeting With Recently Confirmed Young People

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis wrapped up his one-day pastoral journey to the northern Italian city of Milan with an encounter with newly confirmed youngsters. At the end of his busy day in the city, the Pope travelled to the football stadium of San Siro where he was welcomed by almost 80,000 people, including parents, god-parents, catechists, teachers and volunteers. The Pope took questions from some of those present and in his off-cuff answers he focused on the importance of education and formation. A good teacher he said knows how to enhance and promote the qualities of his pupils without neglecting the person as a whole. “Education is “head-hands-heart” he said. He reminded teachers and trainers that “children also need to play, to have fun, to rest.” The Pope concluded the encounter with a strong appeal to defeat ‘bullying’: “Please be careful, be on the look-out for the phenomenon of bullying” he said and invited the tens of thousands of boys and girls to reflect in silence and ask themselves whether there is someone in their school or in their community that teases them for whatever reason or whether they themselves are mean and even aggressive towards others. “This is bullying” he said and asked them to promise the Lord never to be bullies or to allow others to be victims of bullies. Source 
