Pope Francis Gives The Papacy A New Title! PILGRIM OF PEACE AND DIALOGUE!

I have come here as a pilgrim of peace and dialogue ~ Pope Francis The Destroyer
So much has said of the supremacy of the Pope it is very difficult to add any thing new but perhaps our readers will not be displeased to see a passage of St. Francis de Sales where the various titles given to the Sovereign Pontiff to his see by the Church in ancient times are collected This work of the Bishop is worthy of being introduced not only because it interests the curiosity but also because it furnishes matter for grave reflection which we to the reader. Jamie Balmes European Civilization. 1846 pp.400-401.

  1. Most Holy Bishop of the Catholic Church - Council of Soissons of 300 Bishops
  2. Most Holy and Blessed Patriarch Ibid t vii Council 
  3. Most Blessed Lord St Augustine Ep 95 
  4. Universal Patriarch St Leo P Ep 62 
  5. Chief of the Church in the World Innoc PP Concil Milevit 
  6. The Bishop elevated to the Apostolic eminence St Cyprian Ep 3 12 
  7. Father of Fathers Council of Chalcedon Sess iii 
  8. Sovereign Pontiff of Bishops Id in praf 
  9. Sovereign Priest Council of Chalcedon Sess xvi 
  10. Prince of Priests Stephen Bishop of Carthage 
  11. Prefect of the House of God and Guardian of the Lord's Vineyard Council of Carthage Ep to Damasus 
  12. Vicar of Jesus Christ Confinner of the Faith of Christians St Jerome praef in Evang ad Damasum High Priest Valentinian and all antiquity with him 
  13. The Sovereign Pontiff Council of Chalcedon in Epist ad Theodos imper 
  14. The Prince of Bishops Ibid 
  15. The Heir of the Apostles St Bern lib de Consid 
  16. Abraham by the Patriarchate St Ambrose in 1 Tim iii 
  17. Melchisedech by ordination Council of Chalcedon Epist ad Leonem 
  18. Moses by authority St Bernard Epist 190 
  19. Samuel by jurisdiction Id ib et in lib de Consider 
  20. Peter by power Ibid 
  21. Christ by unction Ibid 
  22. The Shepherd of the Fold of Jesus Christ Id lib ii de Consider 
  23. Key Bearer of the House of God Id ibid c viii 
  24. The Shepherd of all Shepherds Ibid 
  25. The Pontiff called to the plenitude of power ibid 
  26. St Peter was the Mouth of Jesus Christ St Chrysost Hom ii in Div Serm 
  27. The Mouth and Head of the Apostleship Orig Hom lv in Matth 
  28. The Cathedra and Principal Church St Cypr Ep lv ad Cornel 
  29. The Source of Sacerdotal Unity Id Epist iii 2 
  30. The Bond of Unity Id ibid iv 2 
  31. The Church where resides the chief power potentior principalitas Id ibid iii 8 
  32. The Church the Root and Mother of all the others St Anaclet Papa Epist ad omnes Episc et Fideles 
  33. The See on which our Lord has built the Universal Church St Damasus Epist ad Univ Episcop 
  34. The Cardinal Point and Head of all the Churches St Marcellinus R Epist ad Episc Antioch 
  35. The Refuge of Bishops Cone Alex Epist ad Felic P 
  36. The Supreme Apostolic See St Athanasius 
  37. The Presiding Church Emperor Justin lib viii Cod de Sum Trinit 
  38. The Supreme See which cannot be judged any other St Leo in Nat SS A post 
  39. The Church set over and preferred to all others Victor d Utiq in lib de Perfect 
  40. The first of all the Sees St Prosper in lib de ingrat 
  41. The Apostolic Fountain St Ignatius Epist ad Rom in Subscript 
  42. The most secure Citadel of all Catholic Communion Council of Rome under St Gela 
Modern day versions of Papal Titles brought to you by the spirit of Vatican II:
  1. His Holiness The Pope;
  2. Bishop Of Rome And Vicar Of Jesus Christ;
  3. Successor Of St. Peter, Prince Of The Apostles;
  4. Supreme Pontiff Of The Universal Church;
  5. Patriarch Of The West;
  6. Servant Of The Servants Of God;
  7. Primate Of Italy;
  8. Archbishop And Metropolitan Of The Roman Province;
  9. Sovereign Of Vatican City State;
Added to the list by Pope Francis is:
Pay Attention!

Demon Pazuzu 
“In the year 1864, Lucifer together with a large number of demons will be unloosed from hell; they will put an end to faith little by little, even in those dedicated to God. They will blind them in such a way, that, unless they are blessed with a special grace, these people will take on the spirit of these angels of hell; several religious institutions will lose all faith and will lose many souls.Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)  
Several will abandon the faith, and a great number of priests and members of religious orders will break away from the true religion; among these people there will even be bishops. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) 
"Francis / Bishop of Rome."
Francis The Destroyer
For In Those Days Jesus Christ Will Send Them Not A True Pastor, But A Destroyer ~ St. Francis
