Pope Francis Bans The Release Of Doves From His Papal Apartment So As Not To Offend Muslims Who Are Tormented By Birds' Genitals As They Fly Overhead

Traditional Release Of Doves Began By JPII

We were told the reason for the Pope banning the release of doves:

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Dove lovers, rejoice.

Balloons, not doves, were released as a gesture of peace Sunday in St. Peter's Square, a year after an attack by a seagull and a crow on the symbolic birds sparked protests by animal protection groups.

For years children, flanking the pope at a window of the papal studio overlooking the square, set free a pair of doves on the last Sunday in January. The Catholic Church traditionally dedicates January to peace themes.

Last year, the feel-good practice became a public relations disaster. After the children with Pope Francis tossed a pair of doves from the window, first a seagull and then a crow swept down and attacked the doves. Those doves' ultimate fate was unknown.

Advocates for animals demanding an end to dove releases swiftly appealed to Francis, the first pontiff to adopt the name of Francis of Assisi, the saint famed for his love for birds and other creatures of the wild.

"Here's the balloons that mean, 'peace,'" said Francis when children in the square let go of their balloons.  Read More>>>>

Now we are told that Muslims  are offended by flying bird genitalia:

Senior clerics fighting for the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq have issued a diktat banning pigeon breeding as they claim the sight of the birds' genitals as they fly overhead is offensive to Islam. Jihadis operating in the group's 'Euphrates province', which stretches from Anbar in Iraq to Dier ez Zour in Syria, told pigeon breeders they had one week to stop the practice or face public flogging. The announcement isn't the first time ISIS has targeted the apparently blasphemous practice of pigeon breeding - a popular pastime in the Middle East. Earlier this year it was claimed that 15 boys had been arrested and at least three of them executed by ISIS militants in Iraq's eastern Diyala governate after fighters took exception to their pigeon breeding hobby on the grounds that it stopped them spending their time worshipping Allah. Daily Mail Read More>>>>>

Release Of Balloons Appease Muslims

Real reason for Pope banning the release of Doves? To appease Muslims - call it creeping Sharia Law. The Pope aims to make Rome submit to Sharia Law.

More bizarre events to unfold pointing to this fact.

William of Ockham has already speculated on a Pope converting to Islam:
Master: Let us assume that someone accuses another before the pope of being a heretic because the accused supposedly holds and asserts that the Christian faith is false, that the law of the Muslims should be embraced, and that Christ was a prophet both false and discredited. After the accusation and the ensuing judicial process, the pope renders a definitive judgement to the effect that the person accused is not a heretic because all of the aforementioned theses stated and asserted by him are true. 
Student: Although this is a case that never happened and perhaps never will, I find it difficult to assert that it smacks of impossibility. For it seems that one cannot clearly demonstrate either by Holy Writ or by the doctrine of the church that no future pope will be the Antichrist. It is indeed probable that many Christians through their ancestors who were converted to the faith have long established roots to the tribe of Dan, from which some believe that the Antichrist will be born [For a discussion of this tradition see David Burr, Olivi's Peaceable Kingdom, Philadelphia 1993, p. 150]. And even in our time it is quite possible for someone from that tribe to accept the Christian faith, to have a son born to him, that son being subsequently elected pope, and afterwards clearly showing himself to be the Antichrist. And thus it cannot be known whether some Christian and future pope, with roots in the tribe of Dan, will be the Antichrist. It is, however, established that the Antichrist will unambiguously teach that the law of the Christians is false and that Christ was a false prophet. And the described case does not appear impossible because it is not known that no future pope will submit to the sect of the Muslims. For it may come to pass that even a pope who was at first catholic would begin to consider that the sect of the Muslims was better than the law of the Christians. This pope could initially develop such a strong secret friendship with the Muslims, that having summoned their military might to his side he would dare to openly assert that the Christian law was false and unjust, and force Christians to accept the law of the Muslims. Since it is indeed an established fact that many Christians (including clerks and religious) have been converted to the sect of the Muslims, it does not seem implausible that even a pope might arrive at such a huge insanity. For since a pope is not confirmed in faith (just as no others are), the same point must be contended in his case as is in that of others as to the possibility of being converted to the Muslims. Having therefore presented the suggested exemplary case, proceed to argue in favour of the aforementioned assertion. William Of Ockham
Pope Francis will either convert to Islam and or at least allow the Muslims to impose Sharia law on the citizens of Rome and Italy.

The Pope's banning of the release of the doves is just a small step in imposing Sharia Law.
