DOOM!! DOOM!! For Immigrants & Refugees - Pope Francis Prayer Intention For June 2015: That Immigrants And Refugees May Find Welcome And Respect In The Countries To Which They Come!!

Will keep running tab of Immigrant & refugee deaths for June 2015.

So far as of today 1 June 2105

There are 444 dead:

BEIJING (AP) — Divers on Tuesday pulled two people alive from inside a capsized cruise ship and prepared to rescue at least four more, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said, giving some small hope to an apparently massive tragedy with well over 400 people still missing on the Yangtze River. Only 18 people are known to have survived the capsizing of the ship, which held 458 people, most of them elderly passengers. At least seven swam ashore, but others were rescued more than 12 hours after the ship went down, after search teams climbed aboard the upside-down hull and heard people calling out from within. Read More>>>>>
