Pope Francis Says God Hates Chrissie Hynde And The Pretenders!

"A thousand times Jesus preferred sinners" to hypocrites, those who "pretend to be converted", but "whose heart belongs to Satan," and if you "learn to do good," God "generously forgives" all sin, said Pope Francis in his homily at Mass celebrated this morning at Casa Santa Marta, inspired by a passage from Isaiah and the Gospel of the day that speaks of those "who say the right things, but do the exact opposite."

They pretend to convert, but their heart is a lie: they are liars! It 'a lie ... Their heart does not belong to the Lord; their heart belongs to the father of all lies, Satan. And this is fake holiness. Jesus preferred sinners a thousand times to these. Why? Because sinners told the truth about themselves. 'Get away from me, Lord, I am a sinner!': Peter once said. One of those [the hypocrites] never says that! 'Thank you Lord, that I am not a sinner, that I am righteous ... In the second week of Lent we have these three words to think about, to ponder: the invitation to conversion; the gift that the Lord will give us, which is great forgiveness, a great forgiveness; and the trap -- that is, pretending to convert, while choosing the path of hypocrisy". Pope Francis
